Sunday, 14 July 2013

How to Download a Video from Facebook

Everyone knows, Facebook is the biggest social network by it’s population. As a result, some thousand minutes of video also gets uploaded in it. But there is a problem with Facebook and that is, they don’t allow anyone to download the videos directly. And their system is so much complicated that many times the online video downloader apps or plugins don’t work on Facebook. Then how would you download a video from Facebook?
facebook videos How to Download a Video from Facebook
The idea is simple, we need to have a much intelligent system than what Facebook has. And for that purpose there exists a website It can be called an awesome website just for downloading Facebook videos. The reason is, you just need to enter the URL of that video’s page and they will give you the download link.
But in this process, there comes a problem when the video is not publicly shared. At that time, there will automatically appear a box to paste the source of the video’s page. You just need to grab the source of that page and submit it to them through the box and they will give you the download link.
There is one thing to keep in mind is, due to Facebook’s complicated system for videos, the link that appears on that website must be used as soon as possible. Unless you do so, you will have to repeat the process again. It’s because Facebook creates dynamic URL for every video and every video’s URL changes after a preset time interval.
So,we hope you get to download whichever video you want from Facebook. By the way, thanks for reading! Have a nice day!


  1. This is helpful. I generally just open through the torch browser and download that way, but it's nice to have other options since sites like to change and block things.
