The walkman was introduced between the years 1979-1980. Sony was the first company to launch Walkmans. It is said to be the first mainstream gadget as people started carrying this device every where they went. The device revolutionized music listening habits of people allowing them to carry their favorite music, wherever they wanted to.
Why it's innovative: The Walkman paved way for all the other music gadgets present in the market.
Google glass, the wearable computer displays information like a Smartphone and allows usage of internet through voice commands. The glass has a built in microphone and camera. As the first ever device of its kind that grabbed public attention, Google glass created the ‘wearable technology’ trend.
Why it’s innovative: This might look like a science fiction movie glass. Google glass changed the way, people could see the world.
The Xbox Kinect, an accessory that came with Xbox 360 became a hit in the market with its capability. This device was the first one that did not require a game controller to play video games. The marketing slogan used by Microsoft goes like, “you are the controller”.
Why it's innovative: The Xbox Kinect offers full body gaming with voice controls; this means the remote control is dead. This would Take the home entertainment and gaming to the next level.
11. The MakerBot Replicator will help us print everything from car parts to food
Why it's innovative: This invention set the platform for replicators to rise, currently 3D printing with The MakerBot gives an insight into what our future might hold. These things would be able to replicate anything.
10. The Nest is the most advanced thermostat ever and it's paving way for smart appliances
Why it's innovative: This is a giant leap towards smart home appliances, allowing the device to do all the thinking for you. If all the home appliances came with start features, it would save a lot on electric bill.
9. Cloud computing will take away the burden of backing up your stuff
Why it's innovative: The Cloud is easily accessible through web. It lets people to keep their important files safe and also save valuable space on the computer, tablet or Smartphone
8. The iPad made tablets desirable
Why it's innovative: The iPad set the standard for tablet, this device showed world what features a tablet has to possess.
7. Google’s self-driving cars could make the roads safer for people
Why it's innovative: The self-driving cars under perfection could benefit the people in lot of ways. These cars would also reduce the rate of accidents and also drunk driving.
6. The iPhone and its lack of buttons changed mobile device design forever
Why it's innovative: This phone had a unique design, with no buttons and its ability to connect to Wi-Fi networks changed the mobile industry all over the world.
5. Solid state drives will make computers faster than ever
Many would have noticed how fast aMacbook Air or An Intel Ultrabook boots up when compared to other laptops. The only disadvantage of SSD’s are they are expensive.
Why it's innovative: It is said that the prices of SSDs would go down, and this would replace the ordinary hard drives in all laptops.
4. Bendable displays are real, and they're coming soon
Why it's innovative: The technology would allow mobiles to be super thin and foldable. This would raise the level of completion among all mobile manufacturers.
3. LTE phones and tablets are a hint at a future where high-speed internet is everywhere
Why it's innovative: There were times when people found it hard to find high speed internet. The LTE chips are just a beginning of high speed internet to mobiles and tablets.
2. Voice controlled assistants like Siri will only get smarter and cater to your every need
Why it's innovative: This was the beginning in its kind. Siri assistance would make things more user friendly to people.
1. Connected TVs and TV boxes are making it easier to cut the cord
Why it's innovative: Through we will be able to get everything in a single TV, this opens door for more innovations to take place in this area.
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