Friday, 26 April 2013

6 programs to clear or erase,wipe data from the hard drive before selling

Of course, when you’re thinking ofselling yourcomputer, you must either change the hard drive, or delete data in a safe way in order to maintain the privacy of data, where in many cases just formatting hard drivethrough the regular ways is not enough to reduce the retrieval of data from the hard drive, especially that the hard drive may contain family photos.
For that in this post I will give you other programs that will help you to scan your entire hard drive for data, so it will not be able to be retrieved using some programs recover deleted files.

MiniTool Drive Wipe

drivewipe 6 programs to clear or erase,wipe data from the hard drive before selling
Unlike programs that erases data from hard drive, this program MiniTool Drive Wipe is very easy to use, afterdownloading ,installing and running the program a window will pop up wich you’ll find in it two options The first is Wipe partition which is to clear data on the hard drive: This means that if the single hard disk is divided into two parts you can only choose a section to clear it without the other. also We find the Wipe Disk option is to scan the entire hard drive, of course, must be a secondary hard drive and not the main that contains the Windows. If you want to scan a hard drive that runs Windows, the program MiniTool Drive Wipe will not help you in ths case.


darik 6 programs to clear or erase,wipe data from the hard drive before selling
DBAN  Deletes data forever! DBAN project is burned on a floppy disk or you can copy it to a USB data key. After that you can boot the computer using this disk so to wipe all data computer disks.


hdshredder 6 programs to clear or erase,wipe data from the hard drive before selling
Compared with advantages of both free program and paid programs the HDShredder this software is enough to erase data completely free, as he scans the hard drive data only and not The partition . The program also is available in portable version works on all Windows operating systems.


hdderase 6 programs to clear or erase,wipe data from the hard drive before selling

This program would be a shock for some people, he is a software supported by the National SecurityAgency he depends on clearing data relying on ATA secure Erase which is the best choice that is recommended to clear data discs HDD and SSD since 2001.
CMRR HDDErase can be copied also on an USB keys also copied to the Floppy Disk as well burn it on CD’s drives, so when running the program it can be used through DOS commands.

Roadkil’s Disk Wipe

roadkil 6 programs to clear or erase,wipe data from the hard drive before selling
A very small tool, very simple and not exceeding an area of 50 KB. All you have to do is choose the hard drive from the list, select random data leave in 2 basses click Clear an then Congratulations, you’ve successfully done the operation. Of course the tool is aimed at people who are medium with computer skills, and who did not forget them as well in this Thread.

Disk Wipe

diskwipe 6 programs to clear or erase,wipe data from the hard drive before selling
Of programs that you do not need to install, as it does not function only on the clearing the data of hard drives, but also USB keys and memory cards. The program also allows for the possibility of Formatting hard drive before the erasing process, so as to speed up the scanning process. Practical advise before you erasing any hard drive in order to speed up the process of full clearing of the evidence from the hard drive.


  1. Hello,

    I wanted to send an email about a possible tool to use for complete data erasure. WhiteCanyon is the maker of WipeDrive, SystemSaver, SecureClean and many other software suites for data erasure as well as protecting information from falling into the wrong hands during recycling and repurposing. Please direct follow up emails to . Thank you for your time. Perhaps there is the possibility to write a new article about data destruction about our software.
