Friday, 26 April 2013

How To delete and uninstall all the programs and softwares with one click !

Hi Computer tricks Fans When you need to make your computer Faster you’ll need to uninstall the programs and delete them from the computer and delete this big files and data from hard drive but when it comes to uninstalling the programs you might be lazy to delete them one by one and that might be a little hard and can take a while so today we had to search for asolution today we have a trick that will help to delete all the programs with one single click .yes that’s right only one click

Menu Uninstaller Ultra

Menu Uninstaller Ultra is basically a program made to make your life easier and help you to delete all the unused programs and softwares with one click , all you have to do after that you have downloaded andinstalled the program is to click on the program that you want to delete him with right click and then click on uninstall From the drop-down menu, where you see a message do not hesitate to click on Continue and select as a final step hit skip this & unistall thus you are now finished the to delete the program from your computer.
unistall How To delete and uninstall all the programs and softwares with one click !
Menu Uninstaller Ultra works perfectly on windows xp ,vista and windows 7 and Does not work on aWindows version 8 after trying it 


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