Friday, 26 April 2013

shutdown computer automatically after watching a movie or listening to music

How to shutdown computer automatically after watchinga movie or listening to music
Hi tech tricks Blog Visitors Do you like watchingmovies or listening To music ? but sometimes you can fall asleep and leave your computer upand running  or just maybe you don’t want to get up after the movie , then you must need GOM Player
GOM Player like some other players of the media files, it gives you a nice feature to turn off the computer automatically after the completion of listening to music or the end of the film, so you will not care if you fell asleep and left the computer on.
After download and installing the software, a small box will open after running the program for the first timeand asks you to choose between the best settings that are in line and your computer settings, repeatclicking on the “Next” button until they reach the button “Finish”. Click on it as well as the order to appearyou media player window GOM Player.
GOM+player shutdown computer automatically after watching a movie or listening to music

After selecting a media file or maybe a couple of theme Click again on the word Gom and go to options and then select shutdown once finished playing the current file In order to make the program turns off thecomputer immediately after completion of the operation of a specific file You can also click on the fourth option which is to make the program closes computer as soon as you finish running a set of files and i guess he is the best choice if you will occupy a set of audio clips shutdown once finished playing files inplay list, and so as soon as you finish running the film or musical clip the computer will be shutdownautomatically.


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